
Let´s learn how to recycle properly, but do you know why we have to recycle? Maybe these photos will help us clarify the ideas a bit ...

All the garbage that we generate in our houses and that is not recycled, ends up affecting ourshelves. For that reason we find so many garbage remains in forests, rivers and seas, but we are not the only ones affected ...

Many animals die by confusing pieces of plastic with food. Others are trapped in our waste. 

That is why it is important that we pay attention and not behave like the protagonist of the following video:

Why do we have to recycle ?. Here we have 9 reasons to do it:

1. Overexploitation of natural resources and air and water pollution are reduced.
2. A drop of used oil contaminates 1000 liters of water.
3. Recycling is one of the simplest activities in which we can participate directly.
4. For every ton of paper that is recycled, 18 trees are saved.
5. If we recycle we give the planet time to reforest.
6. Recovering two tons of plastic is equivalent to saving one ton of oil.
7. It saves time and money in the development of new products.
8. For each container that is recycled, the energy needed to keep a TV on for 3 hours is saved.
9. Recycling is a reflection of culture and social responsibility

Once we have clear the reasons for recycling, we will see how to do it correctly:


- Bottles and plastic containers: hygiene and cleaning products, tubs, trays, wrappers and bags.
- Metallic packaging: cans, aluminum trays, aerosols, deodorant cans, caps and metal plugs.
- Briks of milk, juices, soups, etc.


- Paper and cardboard boxes, food packaging, shoe boxes, wrapping paper, daily use paper, advertising brochures, used notebooks ...


- Glass bottles: wine, champagne
 or liquors.
- Glass jars: perfume, cologne or similar
- Food jars: jam, preserves, vegetables, etc.


- Food, plants, organic materials...

Before we finish this post, let's see what you are doing so far at home. To do that, answer these questions with your family:


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